Opening July 2018: Precision Fitness Nutrition Coaching for Men and Women
By Edward Scaduto, CSCS
Need help with eating better, confused about how to get the fit and healthy body you’ve always wanted? If so, you’re in the right place. We are now offering a nutrition coaching program for both men and women. We can help you get into the best shape of your life… and stay that way for good.
If you’re wondering what our Nutrition Coaching program can do for you, take a look at some of the amazing things we’ve helped clients accomplish:
ProCoach promotional video from Precision Nutrition on Vimeo.
We do fitness and nutrition in a way that works for your lifestyle (Instead of the other way around).
Life can be crazy.
With work, children, aging parents, running a household, and all the surprises life can throw at us, it never stops being busy.
That’s why we do something very different.
We show you how to make health and fitness a part of your life, no matter what else is going on.
At Precision Fitness, we often say that your program should be designed to fit your lifestyle, not the other way around.
Even on your absolute worst days — not just your good ones.
You know the days I’m talking about… you’ve no energy, nothing goes your way, your partner (or children) aren’t happy when you get home, and you have a million other things to do rather than spend 2 hours working out and cooking organic meals.
Normal fitness plans tell you to just tough it out.
You’ve gotta want it badly enough.
If you’re aren’t willing to put in the work, you don’t deserve the results.
That’s just not reality.
You can’t force down health and fitness into an already busy schedule.
Which is why we work closely with you to help you eat well and exercise even when life gets a little crazy.
We’ll provide the accountability it takes for you to stay consistent.
We’ll review your progress, answer questions, and make recommendations to help you improve.
We’ll gently tap you on the shoulder if you start to regress.
And we’ll help you get past each hurdle along the way.
The result?
You’ll get into the best shape of your life within 12 months.
And you’ll have the habits, skills, and tools to stay that way for life.
Are you ready to become your fittest, strongest, healthiest self? The time is now.
On Monday, July 9th, 2018 we’re opening registration for the next Precision Fitness Nutrition Coaching program for men and women.
As a coaching client, you’ll get a personal coach and with our support, you’ll learn how to:
- Eat better, without having to follow a strict diet.
- Get active, no matter where you’re fitness levels are now.
- Drop the food rules, skip the fad diets and conflicting advice.
- Build fitness into your life, without it taking over.
- Achieve and maintain your goals, even when life gets crazy.
The result? You’ll:
- Lose the weight/fat you haven’t been able to shed for years.
- Build physical strength and resilience in your body.
- End the frustration, have a clear plan that gets you the results you’ve always wanted.
- Clear out the food confusion, learn what to do, how to do it.
- Get off the diet roller coaster once and for all, and never look back.
Want to know how the program works?
This short video details what you can expect from Precision Fitness Nutrition Coaching for Men.
Men’s program: A look inside from Precision Nutrition on Vimeo.
Learn exactly how Precision Nutrition Coaching for Men works.
And this one details what you can expect from Precision Fitness Nutrition Coaching for Women.
Women’s program: A look inside from Precision Nutrition on Vimeo.
Learn exactly how Precision Nutrition Coaching for Women works.
Seriously, take a moment and imagine a life where you
……feel physically and mentally strong, capable of taking on any challenge without worrying that your energy levels are high enough or whether your body weight will get in the way
.…can run around with your kids, or grandkids, without feeling pain, out of breath, or tired; and you can do it again the next day
.…excitedly book a vacation without wondering how you’ll look (or feel)
.…look forward to having your picture taken without wondering “who’s that person, and when did they start looking like that?”
…feel like food is your friend, not your enemy, and never diet again.
Plus, this Nutrition Coaching method has been tried and tested with nearly 100,000 clients and several peer-reviewed research papers have documented its safety and effectiveness.
It’s a proven system that works and it consistently produces life-changing results year in and year out.
Taking care of your health and fitness is a big responsibility, and we don’t take it lightly, which is why we do everything possible to help you succeed.
This is your chance. Don’t miss out.
Just fill out the form below and you’ll discover how to get this full program at over 50% off!