“Colorado Springs resident Gloria lost 90 pounds…”

19 September

Colorado Springs Fitness

Colorado Springs Fitness
Gloria before
Colorado Springs Fitness
Gloria 90 pounds late

Colorado Springs resident, Gloria, lost 90 pounds with Personal Trainer Edward Scaduto. This is her story.

Whenever I saw a heavy person, I would ask my friends and family, ” Am I that big?” Even though I knew the answer to the question, I still didn’t take control of my weight.My staple diet consisted of junk food, lots of carbs, and other unhealthy foods. Then two events happened that made me realize that I had to make some changes in my weight and in my life. At a doctor appointment, my doctor informed me that I had borderline high blood pressure. She informed me that I had to lose weight – I was putting unnecessary stress on my body. This made me painfully aware of how much I actually weighed. Not too long afterward, I took a trip to California and when sitting in my seat on the airplane took up more space than one seat. I didn’t want to wait around for any more wake-up calls.

Now, I am working on staying committed, as well as keeping the momentum. I am working on losing the last of my weight. Ed has been great at encouraging me with this goal. I am also very happy with my current eating plan. I feel great! I feel that continual accountability is and will be an important step to maintaining my success. Looking back I realize that I couldn’t have achieved this success on my own; Ed has been an instrumental part of the weight loss success I have achieved. He helped me in setting goals, keeping me motivated and accountable, checking my food log and creating menu plans that would incorporate foods that I enjoyed eating.