“The way you move through the world is a direct reflection on how well your brain is functioning” – Dr. Eric Cobb
In every movement that you do, your brain plays a significant role in both how well it’s performed and how much you can do.
The quality and the limit of your movement are largely based on how well your brain is functioning.
Here are a few examples of types of movements and their correlation to brain function –
Is more a reflexive than conscious effort. You can think about sitting or standing straight but the moment your mind drifts your back to the posture you have molded. So some of it is our habits, how we sit or stand. Most of it is due to our Vestibular (balance), vision, and movement centers in the brain stem.
Walking is our primary source of movement. How often do you think about your walking technique? Luckily your brain takes care of most of it through the locomotion centers, the vestibular (balance) system, the cortex, and the cerebellum (little brain). Any decreases in walking, agility, or running indicate problems within these areas.
Flexibility is usually associated with limber muscles that have been stretched through hours of exercise. Our general tonicity (how much tension our muscles carry) is controlled by our brain centers specifically the midbrain. If you’ve tried stretching and didn’t get the desired results, chances are it wasn’t your flexibility program. It was your brain that put the brakes on your progress.
Chronic pain can do a couple of things to our movement. One, pain will limit your capability and desire to participate in activities that you would normally do. Second, it will make you compensate, usually by moving away from the pain. This can cause all sorts of movement issues in the future. Chronic pain is a complex phenomenon but as we understand more about it to understand why the brain creates it in the first place.
This isn’t a complete list of examples.
I just wanted to share a small sample of all that is involved when it comes to our most common movements.
There is still so much more.
One thing we can work on is our posture. Sitting up tall is a great start.
Let’s add a little more to it.
The exercise I want you to try is what we call a neck glide.
Keep your chin level while moving your head back.
Once it’s back try lifting the top of your head (without lifting your chin) towards the ceiling as if it were being pulled by a string attached to the top of your head.
Hold for a few seconds at a time.
This will help you create better posture and better overall movement for your neck.
And possibly help with soreness, muscle aches, and pain.
Do this daily and I know you’ll notice a difference in both your posture and how well your neck feels.
If you do have some difficulty with walking, posture, or chronic pain please seek a Z-Health practitioner near you. You can find the ‘Trainer finder’ here at this site. https://zhealtheducation.com/find-a-trainer/
The trainers listed are trained in functional neurology and can help you improve your movement skills.
Keep Moving ~
Edward Scaduto
Precision Fitness
Move Well, Live Better
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