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Happy Birthday Shannon!

11 August

On August 4th, Precision Fitness was honored to celebrate Shannon’s Birthday. Here is Shannon’s Birthday bash workout.

Two circuits of the following:

3 min running on the treadmill

50 Body weight squats

30 seconds plank

Cable squat to row 30 # x 20

DB Forward lunge with triceps extension

Medicine Ball squat to throw 6# x 20

Great Job, and Happy Birthday Shannon!



Colorado Springs Boot Camp For Women

08 August

Colorado Springs Precision Fitness

This Fitness Boot Camp Will Have You Laughing At Weight Loss And Make You Trim Down Practically Overnight…

Do you want to lose weight… tone your entire body … and become stronger and healthier? And you want to do it with-out wasting any more money on fad diets, bad supplements, and boring work outs.

Using the most advance and cutting-edge techniques, Precision Fitness Boot Camp for Women will have your entire body looking more toned than ever. You will lose the fat in every one of your trouble spots – from your hips, to your butt and your stomach!

This boot camp will have you working with the perfect blend of strength training and conditioning that will give you the ultimate fat burning workout in just 45 minutes, three times per week.

Simply visit www.PrecisionFitnessTrainer/ or call 719-640-0141 for more information. Though before you do …


Because we do not have unlimited space in our class we are going to limit this offer to the first 15 people that register. So if you are ready to take our challenge and get the body you deserve then visit www.PrecisionFitnessTrainer/

Classes start September 7th

Happy Birthday Larry S.

04 August

Larry warming up

On July 27th, Precision Fitness was honored to celebrate Larry’s birthday. Even though it was his special day, instead of slowing down or taking a day off, he came in and really worked like only Larry can, methodically and with a no surrender attitude. Here’s what he did after a thorough warm-up, and all in under 25 minutes.

All exercises performed for 30 seconds with a two minute break between each circuit. Two sets for each circuit.

Circuit One

A1. Dumbbell Step ups 15#’s

A2. Modified Burpee

A3. Dumbbell swings with 20#’s

A4. Modified Burpee

A5. Dumbbell Step ups 15#’s

Circuit Two

B1. Dumbbell Reverse lunges with 15#’s

B2. Pushups

B3. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts with 4#’s

B4. Pushups

B5. Dumbbell Reverse lunges with 15#’s

Circuit Three

C1. Dumbbell Bent alternating Row with 15#’s

C2. Single leg planks

C3. Dumbbell Goblet Squats with 20#’s

C4. Single leg planks

C5. Dumbbell Bent alternating Row with 15#’s


His workout was impressive to say the least.

Great job Larry and Happy Birthday!

(Larry has worked out for several years in order to train at this advance level. His program is not recommended for everyone. If you do have any questions, or would like to take your training program to the next level please give us a call at 719-640-0141)

Are you eating often enough?

24 July

Are you eating often enough?

Frequent eating can help you stabilize blood sugar, prevent cravings and increase your metabolism. 

Eating frequent meals is one of the habits that we teach here at Precision Fitness. You can read more about it here.  It consists of eating small meals 5 to 6 times per day or every 2 to 4 hours.

Eating in this manner assures your body will have the nutrients it needs when it needs it. This provides your body the environment to increase metabolism, allowing you to get better results from your program.

How does this happen?

The popular theory is that by eating frequent meals you convey to your body that it will not starve. Knowing that it will not have to go long periods of time with out eating the body then feels safe enough to burn up calories rather than conserve them. 

According to Dr. Dan Benardot, a professor and Head Division of Nutrition Director at Georgia State, “There is an enormous amount of research that shows eating smaller meals more frequently through the day results in a leaner, more muscular body”.

One of the earliest studies supporting these types of results involved two groups of boxers.

The two groups of boxers ate the same amount of calories and performed the same workout routines. The only difference is one group ate the calories in three large meals and the second group ate 6 smaller meals.

The 3 meal a day group did not change much, neither losing body fat nor gaining any muscle. Can you guess what happened with the 6 meal a day group?

They lost more body fat and even gained lean body mass.

All this on the same amount of calories.

So what happened? Same calories and same training yet two different results. It’s an example of increased metabolism in the group that ate 6 times per day.

It’s easy to see why eating frequent meals remains the foundation for good nutrition. It’s a habit that I strongly recommend especially if your goal is increasing your metabolism.

If you have any questions on how to implement this habit or need more information on how to create habits that can improve your health, fitness and performance please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Eat Well ~ Live Better

Edward Scaduto

34th Annual NSCA National Conference…

12 July

I just got back from spending a view days in the city that never sleeps. I spent my time endlessly gambling away my hard earned money and consuming far too many free drinks. Well thats not entirely true, what really happened is I got to spend a few days learning from some of the best exercise scientists and strength and conditioning coaches in the world. Trust me, this is much better than gambling and drinking any day. These great presentations have always left me thinking about ways to make our training programs here at Precision Fitness more effective. I will be sharing some of those insights with you here on the blog in the next few days so check back soon.

Ed Scaduto


“I have lost 15 pounds and now my Cholesterol is 178…”

09 June

I am a 56-year-old woman who weighed 197 lbs when I started working with Ed Scaduto. My cholesterol was 245. I was not in any kind of shape but round!

I had come into a little money and had to decide what to do with it. My first thought was to put it away for retirement. But with exertion asthma, fatigue, and other health issues, I decided to use it to make sure I make it to retirement.

Ed brought me along slowly after evaluating my capabilities. Even the basics were a challenge at first. But soon, I was pumping iron, engaging in cardio, and looking for more challenges. Ed advised me on my dietary intake and coached me constantly. He took the time to discuss health issues and the latest research findings and how they apply to me. He is a very patient trainer!

Now, I’ve lost over 15 pounds and my cholesterol is 178! I am in great shape now and my stamina is awesome! I look forward to working out with Ed – he keeps me motivated and moving!


Looking To Hire A Personal Trainer In Colorado Springs?

26 May

Are you in the market for a Colorado Springs Personal Trainer? Here is a list of six qualifications you should look for when hiring a Personal trainer.

1. Education – Your Colorado Springs Personal Trainer should have a solid education in Biology, the Exercises Sciences or related field. Knowing your trainer has invested an immense amount of time and money into becoming a fitness professional gives you the peace of mind of knowing your trainer has the basic understanding of how the body works and moves to improve overall health.

2. Certifications – Ask your Colorado Springs Personal Trainer for a list of any current certifications completed. A certification from NASM, NSCA, or ACSM is good start. These are three of the top certification programs in the fitness industry. A good certification provides more of the hands-on knowledge a trainer requires to provide an effective exercise program. A personal trainer who holds more than one certification has a wider range of knowledge and experience thereby providing more personalized routines, exercises, etc.

3. Role Model – Your Colorado Springs Personal Trainer should also be a role model. This simply means a trainer should look like they exercise and live a healthy lifestyle. This doesn’t mean he or she should look like a runway model but they should provide you motivation and inspiration to accomplish more. It would be difficult to accomplish your goals if they do not model the aspects being taught or if they do not take care of themselves.

4. Experience – Your Colorado Springs Personal Trainer should have several years of experience of working with clients in a fitness setting. This is the time where they develop the “in the trenches” techniques and methods that can’t be learned anywhere else. Learning certain mannerisms, how to wear different hats depending upon client’s personalities, and the difference between effective and ineffective techniques is crucial to client success. These are aspects of training that can’t be learned in a textbook. Look for a trainer with at least two to three years of experience.

5. Coaching – You need a trainer who does more than count reps and gives you pep talks. You need a Colorado Springs personal trainer who is also a good coach. A coach should meet you where you currently are and inspire you to move forward to meet all your fitness goals. Coaches are there to help provide the education and accountability you need to consistently improve. They personalize your exercise and nutrition strategy working with your current level of fitness and not theirs. They also know when it’s the right time to push you to do more or when it’s time to back down and provide words of encouragement. Ultimately a coach knows how to push you past your current levels of fitness so that you can accomplish more than you thought possible.

6. Success – This is the most important part in hiring a good Colorado Springs personal trainer.  Ask you trainer for a list of their success stories. If they use a good system, they will be able to duplicate successful results with many if not all of their clients. A great personal trainer has the education, experience and coaching ability to take any client to the next level. It’s more than just about counting reps and putting together a random series of exercises. It’s really all about getting results over and over again and your trainer should have the evidence to prove it.

The above list is not all inclusive but it provides six basic qualifications that you should look for when hiring a personal trainer in Colorado Springs. If you have any other questions or would like to speak to a trainer that has all of the above qualifications then give Precision Fitness a call. We have Colorado Springs best personal trainers.

In health and fitness,

Edward Scaduto

Precision Fitness

“Colorado Springs Sisters Both Lose 30 pounds Each…”

10 May

Sofie and Monica before

We are sisters and the very best of friends. We do everything together. We even each have 2 kids the same ages in pairs, 1 boy and 1 girl each.

We used food as a social thing. Always thinking of what “fun” thing we could eat while watching movies or soaps. We were members of another gym and went at least 4 times a week with no results. I guess we were just going through the motions.

That all changed when we decided to work with a personal trainer and started working out with Ed Scaduto (Precision Fitness).


Monica and Sofie after

We both have so much more energy and we have both lost 30 lbs each so far and feel great. Now instead of rewarding ourselves with food, we go out and buy a cute outfit several sizes smaller than before. This is a total lifestyle change for us. We will never go back to the way we used to be.

Thank You Ed!

Sofie & Monica

I have dropped sizes in my clothing…

09 May

Molly April 2008

I joined the gym after realizing that stress was taking a toll on me mentally and physically.  I knew from previous experience that I needed a trainer to help me get the motivation to make this a lifestyle change as well as learn how to become stronger so I wasn’t prone to injuries.

When I began working with Ed, my goal was to increase my activity and reduce my percentage of body fat.  I have learned so much information, not to mention a plethora of strength training routines from having a trainer. Any previous trainers I had in the past would just take you through the routine and that was it. I was pleasantly surprised when I started working with Ed and it wasn’t just about what I was doing in the gym; that was only part it.

The other piece was I had to change my diet/nutrition; otherwise the exercise would only do so much. For me its been so helpful to have a trainer who took the time to find out my goals, challenge me and has been great about working with me on whatever ailments I might be dealing with.

Molly July 2008

Previously, anytime I wouldn’t feel matter how minor it was, I would stop working out. But I have learned how to adjust routines etc so that I continue w/ my training despite what is going on. Its’ definitely helped me get towards my goal of more activity and reduction of body fat percentage.

After losing 20 or so pounds I feel like I have a way to reduce my stress. I have better confidence about utilizing equipment and I have dropped sizes in clothing.  I still have a ways to go, but knowing I have the tools and resources like Ed to help me when I need it is half the battle. I’ve been working with Ed on and off for over 2 years now and well worth every penny spent. I’ve recommended him to friends whom also enjoyed Eds’ training style, if you are in the market for a trainer, hire Ed!

Personal Training In Colorado Springs Has A New Name

26 April

Cotton Wood Creek Recreational Center

Personal Training in Colorado Springs has a new name – Precision Fitness.

Precision Fitness owner Edward Scaduto has been a personal trainer in Colorado Springs for over ten years and has helped hundreds of Colorado Springs residents improve their fitness, burn unwanted body fat and build lean, sexy, athletic muscles.

Edward Scaduto wants you to experience the best personal training that Colorado Springs has to offer. Discover the complete system that provides personalized nutritional coaching with ground breaking fitness training. An integrated approach that has his clients achieving drastic results in minimal time.

Precision Fitness shares the fitness center at CottonWood Creek Recreational Center. This facility provides his clients and other members a safe and comfortable place to work out and get in shape. The center contains all the equipment you would find at bigger gyms in Colorado Springs including cardio machines, free weights, cables, full line of strength training machines, medicine and stability balls.

Edward knows how important it is to feel comfortable in your own body, to have the confidence to wear summer attire, and to experience optimal levels of health and happiness. That’s why at Precision Fitness you not only get great nutritional coaching with world class fitness training, you also get inspiration, experience and dedication to support you through your journey.

Personal training in Colorado Springs is more than just a job to Edward Scaduto and his team at Precision Fitness. It is their mission and purpose to meet all clients at their level of fitness. This means that you work out at a level that you can perform safely and effectively. Your trainer is their to provide motivation and support and help you improve and progress your program when you are ready.  It’s  the right amount at the right time that is the key to consistent progress and happy clients.

By providing this  type of effective and supportive exercise coaching clients are more comfortable and able to make the changes they need to have a positive impact on their life. It’s through the small changes in daily habits that really helps them accomplish so much more and keep the results for the rest of their life.

So if you are ready to make some positive changes to your life style, if you are ready for more energy and vitality, ready to look great no matter what you are wearing, then contact Precision Fitness.

It’s what personal training in Colorado Springs is all about.